As I mentioned in my 2017 highlights post, my health went dramatically downhill last year so I thought it would be worth posting an update about what actually happened and is happening I wrote this all out & realised...
I don't often get vouchers and things for Christmas so I was pretty excited this time as I got quite a few Amazon vouchers and a Waterstones voucher!! I don't tend to buy books on Amazon too much because I do like to...
As I haven’t blogged in so long I thought it would be cool to do a post with a bit more about me in, but instead of just doing a bio or something I thought I’d post a 30 Things About Me type thing!
My health...
I thought it would be cool to highlight some of the books, TV shows and films I'm excited to see released in the first half of the year. I've limited myself to 5 of each otherwise we'd all be here forever!
I've never actually been one to make too many resolutions, but at the moment with being off work my life feels a little unstructured and out of control. As a result I've come up with a series of small goals that I want to achieve while I'm off work but also to carry through to my return. I've...
I love reading and I managed 50 books in 2017. Out of those, I've picked my favourite ten books below. I haven't ordered them as that would be an almost impossible task!
Moxie - Jennifer Matthieu
I loved this...
I feel like whenever bloggers return from a long absence they write a post explaining where they've been. I can't really say anything other happened. Things went a bit wrong. But I'd like to get back into blogging...